Think Before You Click Campaign of GMA-7 Wins Community Civility Star Award from the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI)

GMA News & Public Affairs' social media responsibility campaign "Think Before You Click" receives Community Civility Star Award from the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI).

Association of Image Consultants International (AICI), the leading and largest professional association of personal and corporate image consultants worldwide awarded the Community Civility Star Award to GMA News & Public Affairs' social media responsibility campaign "Think Before You Click" on September 20, 2011 for its relevance & pioneering move.

Think Before You Click is a campaign of GMA News to promote responsible use of social media. The campaign was born from the saying that "Power puts a great responsibility on the shoulders of those who wield it".

According to GMA News:

Online everything is just a click away. And with one click, whether that be to post a tweet, a new status message on Facebook, or a tag on someone’s photo, we have as much power to tear down as we do to build up.

It's all one easy click away.

So our proposal is simple, to think before you click. Think about the repercussions of what you are about to post, will it hurt others, could it potentially hurt me, or those who I care about the most? It's hard to take back what you’ve posted online, and everything has an effect.

It's time for another “People Power" this time to push for a more responsible use of social media. How can you help?

This award received by GMA News just proves that the campaign is really effective and life-changing so they deserve to receive it. In view of this, Turtz on the Go strongly supports Think Before You Click.

Follow the official Facebook Page of the campaign at

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