2011 Ramon Magsaysay Awards - List of Winners

The Ramon Magsaysay Award is an annual award established to perpetuate former Philippine President Ramon Magsaysay's example of integrity in government, courageous service to the people, and pragmatic idealism within a democratic society. The Ramon Magsaysay Award is often considered Asia's Nobel Prize. The prize was established in April 1957 by the trustees of the Rockefeller Brothers Fundbased in New York City with the concurrence of the Philippine government. (Wikipedia)
The Ramon Magsaysay Award is given to persons – regardless of race, nationality, creed, or gender – who address issues of human development in Asia with courage and creativity, and have made contributions which have transformed their societies for the better.
  • Government Service
  • Public Service
  • Community Leadership
  • Journalism, Literature and Creative Communication Arts
  • Peace and International Understanding
  • Emergent Leadership

This year’s awardees are one organization and 4 individuals:

1. Alternative Indigenous Development Foundation, Inc. (AIDFI), from the Philippines. The organization is being recognized for “their collective vision, technological innovations, and partnership practices to make appropriate technologies improve the lives and livelihoods of the rural poor in upland Philippine communities and elsewhere in Asia.”

2. Harish Hande, from India. He is being recognized for “his passionate and pragmatic efforts to put solar power technology in the hands of the poor, through a social enterprise that brings customized, affordable, and sustainable electricity to India’s vast rural populace, encouraging the poor to become asset creators.”

3. Hasanain Juaini, from Indonesia. He is being recognized for “his holistic, community-based approach to pesantren education in Indonesia, creatively promoting values of gender equality, religious harmony, environmental preservation, individual achievement, and civic engagement among young students and their communities.”

4. Koul Panha, from Cambodia. He is being recognized for “his determined and courageous leadership of the sustained campaign to build an enlightened, organized and vigilant citizenry who will ensure fair and free elections — as well as demand accountable governance by their elected officials – in Cambodia’s nascent democracy.”


5. Nileema Mishra, from India. She is being recognized for “her purpose-driven zeal to work tirelessly with villagers in Maharashtra, India, organizing them to successfully address both their aspirations and their adversities through collective action and heightened confidence in their potential to improve their own lives.”

6. Tri Mumpuni, from Indonesia. She is being recognized for “her determined and collaborative efforts to promote micro hydropower technology, catalyze needed policy changes, and ensure full community participation, in bringing electricity and the fruits of development to the rural areas of Indonesia.”

“The Magsaysay awardees of 2011,” says RMAF President Carmencita T. Abella, “are five remarkable individuals and an exceptional organization, all deeply involved in harnessing technologies—both hard and “soft”– that can genuinely empower their countrymen and create waves of progressive change in Asia. Working on critical issues that impact not only their respective countries, but indeed, all of Asia, they are showing how commitment, competence, and collaborative leadership can truly transform individual lives and galvanize community action.

This year’s Magsaysay Award winners will each receive a certificate, a medallion bearing the likeness of the late President, and a cash prize. They will be formally conferred the Magsaysay Award during the Presentation Ceremonies to be held on August 31, 2011 at the Cultural Center of the Philippines.

Photo/Data Credits: http://globalnation.inquirer.net/7375/2011-ramon-magsaysay-awardees-announced

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