I Support "The Red Whistle" Campaign

Being aware of the alarming HIV and associated with AIDS, I am posting this article in support to "The Red Whistle" Campaign. Though, I never seen anyone here in our province, Dinagat Islands wearing the red whistle, perhaps, I may help them aware about the said issue and this campaign as well through this article.
The Red Whistle is a community response to the alarming number of new HIV cases in the Philippines and the rising number of deaths due to AIDS related complications.

The Red Whistle has three objectives:

1. Raise awareness on the situation to encourage community action; 
2. Deliver safer sex messages designed to reach communities affected by the epidemic; and 
3. Help facilitate access or referral to HIV services, including HIV testing, treatment, and support services.

They also aims to empower and inspire people to come together and help each other in this battle against HIV and AIDS. Te hope to engage individuals and groups to HELP sound the alarm in their respective communities that HIV is here and it must be stopped.

Niccolo Cosme, co-founder of the Red Whistle is encouraging everyone to “SPREAD THE NEWS, NOT THE VIRUS” about the awareness of AIDS and HIV. He also conducted a Project Headshot Clinic for the Bloggers wearing the RED WHISTLE as symbol of this campaign.

Check out the RED WHISTLE Campaign event on 08.31.2011 9PM at 7th High Bonifacio High Street.

In support to this, like The Red Whistle community, I also call on artists, organizations, companies, bloggers and every individual. Collaboration and partnership are very much welcome! 

The 5 pointers of The Red Whistle ASL-VC
(on each whistle you will see 5 dots that should remind you of these)

1. There is an ALARMING situation on HIV and AIDS... and we need you to help us sound an alarm. (6 new HIV cases are reported every day, and of these, 4 cases are among gays/MSM)
2. We should know our STATUS and that we need to take the test, it’s not a death sentence anymore.
3. Value life, LOVE life, love yourself (Let’s get rid of the “bahala na” culture, AIDS goes beyond death)
4. That we are all VULNERABLE, all of us can be at risk, we need to learn more about HIV prevention.
5. We need to make our COMMITMENTS now... by wearing this, you commit yourself to the battle/fight against HIV and AIDS (by doing the other four pointers).


For Voluntary Counseling and Testing and other information, fell free to visit and like visit The Red Whistle Facebook page:  http://www.facebook.com/TheRedWhistle.

For the latest update about this upsetting HIV and AIDS, please view or download the Philippine HIV and AIDS Registry as released by DOH - National Epidemiology Center below:

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