2011 White Cane Safety Day Theme

DepEd Memo No. 147, s. 2011:


White Cane Safety Day is a national observance in the Phillipines, celebrated on August 1 of each year. The date is set aside to instill public awareness of the plight of the blind, promote recognition and acceptance of the white cane as a symbol of the need of visually impaired individuals for specific assistance, and remind every Filipino of the duty to care for and accord due respect to the sight-impaired.

In the latest memo from the Department of Education (DepEd), the 22nd White Cane Safety Day Celebration in the Philippines will be observed on August 1, 2011, in pursuant to the Republic Act No. 6759, entitled the "White Cane Safety Day".

This year's theme is..."Baston, Gabay sa Tuwid na Daan." which supports the efforts of President Benigno S. Aquino III on good governance.

The celebration is the first activity of the Sight Saving Month Celebration in August and it aims to:

a. stimulate public awareness on the rights and welfare of blind persons;
b. promote recognition and acceptance of the white cane as a symbol of mobility for blind persons;
c. promote and protect the physical, moral and social well-being of blind persons; and
d. serve as a vehicle of information on the program being implemented by the government and non-government organizations that adhere to the promotion of the welfare of visually impaired persons.

The White Cane Inter-Agency Committee with the DepEd as lead agency concurred that the celebration will be done on August 1-6, 2011. Many activities will be undertaken during the celebration in the regional, division and school levels as stipulated in the memo.

To download the full DepEd Memo No. 147, s. 2011, you may click here.

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