Eat Bulaga Indonesia Starts to Hit Indonesian Television on Monday - First Ever Franchise of Eat Bulaga

Eat Bulaga, the longest running and undefeated noontime variety show in Philippines regularly shown Monday to Saturday via GMA-7 had come so far as it starts to make wave on the nationwide television in Indonesia starting Monday, July 16, 2012!

Yes, you read it right! Eat Bulaga goes to Indonesia. It's not because the original show will be aired live in the said country but because SCTV Network Indonesia, a local TV Channel in Indonesia got a franchised of 'Eat Bulaga' from the T.AP.E.D. Inc. and is locally entitled 'Eat Bulaga Indonesia'.

As seen in the poster above, Eat Bulaga Indonesia is  a 100% OK, SERU (Exclaimed/Shout), LUCU (Funny/Entertaining) and LIVE! It will be aired LIVE SETIAP HARI (everyday), MULAI (start) July 16, 2012, PUKUL 16:00-17:30 WIB (1:00-2:30 o'clock PM). website posted:

14 Host Pandu 'Eat Bulaga' Indonesia - Sukses di negara asalnya, Filipina selama 33 tahun, sebuah varietty show bernama Eat Bulaga merambah Indonesia. Acara ini akan ditayangkan setiap hari, mulai 16 Juli 2012. Masyarakat dapat menyaksikannya melalui stasiun televisi SCTV.

Uniknya di program yag disajikan secara outdoor dan in door ini tak hanya dibanjiri hadiah dan kejutan dalam bentuk uang atau barang tetapi pembawa acara yang memandunya berjumlah 14 orang. Mereka adalah Uya Kuya, Farid Aja, Reza Bukan, Ramzi, Narji, Ciripa, Rian Ibram, Rio Indrawan, Steven, Leo Consul, Selena Alexandria, Jenny Tan, Bianca Lizza dan Christie Julie.

Menurut Harsiwi Achmad, program ini selain menghibur, juga mengandung unsur edukasi, menyebarkan nilai-nilai positif serta lebih mendekatkan diri pihaknya dengan masyarakat. "Jadi selain menghibur juga ada entertaining yet education, fun but touchy. Makanya kami pengen program ini sukses seperti di Philipina yang dapat dilihat selama 33 tahun," kata Direktur Program dan Produksi SCTV di Studio Penta, Kebon Jeruk, Jakart Barat, Jumat (13/7) malam.

Disebutkan, Eat Bulaga berasal dari kata It Bulaga yang artinya Cilukba. Di dalam variety show tersebut terdapat beragam konten mulai dari talent search sampai game show. Bahkan dapat diikuti semua umur.
Beberapa konten Eat Bulaga Indonesia antara lain Bolagaan, Jagoan Karaoke, Indonesia Jenius dan Satu Untuk Semua, Semua Untuk Satu. "Jadi intinya kita gak adaptasi 100 persen dari Philipina. Tetapi kita sesuai dengan keadaan di sini dan bernilai positif seperti kampanye lingkungan hidup atau berbagi dengan sesama," lanjut Harsiwi.

Mengenai waktu penayangan berdekatan dengan bulan Ramadhan, dia mengatakan hal tersebut sengaja dilakukan guna menggugah masyarakat peduli dengan orang lain. "Nah itu nilai positif yang kami sodorkan supaya masyarakat dapat berbagi," imbuhnya. (kpl/dis/dew)

Translation (as posted in - Success in their home country, the Philippines for 33 years, a varietty show called Eat Bulaga reaching Indonesia. The event will be aired every day, starting July 16, 2012. The public can watch via television station SCTV.
Uniquely in the program yag presented in outdoor and in door is not only flooded with gifts and surprises in the form of money or goods, but the guiding host numbered 14 people. They are Uya Kuya, Farid Aja, Reza Bukan, Ramzi, Narji, Ciripa, Rian Ibram, Rio Indrawan, Steven, Leo Consul, Selena Alexandria, Jenny Tan, Bianca Lizza and Christie Julie.

According Harsiwi Achmad , the program is in addition to entertaining, it also contains elements of education, spread positive values ​​and get closer to it with the community. "So in addition to entertaining yet also entertaining education, fun but touchy. So we want this program a success as the Filipinos who can be seen for 33 years," said Director of Programs and Production at Studio Penta SCTV, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakart Friday (13 / 7) evening.

Mentioned, Eat Bulaga It comes from the word meaning Bulaga peekaboo. In the variety show that there are a variety of content ranging from talent search to game shows. It can even be followed by all ages.

Some of the content of Eat Bulaga Indonesia , among others Bolagaan, Karaoke Stud, Indonesia genius and One For All, All For One. "So basically we're not 100 percent of Filipinos adaptation. But we here in accordance with state and positive values ​​such as environmental campaigns or share with others," continued Harsiwi.

Regarding the views adjacent to the month of Ramadan, he said it was deliberately done in order to arouse the people care about other people. "Well that's a positive value which we handed to the community can share," he added.

When a fan ask a confirmation of the said franchise, @EatBulaga replied on Twitter:

Take a glance of Eat Bulaga Indonesia's Studio:

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