Mister International 2011 is César Curti (Brazil) - List of Winners

César Curti from Brazil bested 30+ gorgeous men from around the world after being named the 6th Mister International during the final held at the Patravadi Theatre in Bangkok, Thailand on Saturday, December 17, 2011.

23-year-old Cesar Curti, a model, actor, singer and composer who  March 19th, 1987 from Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, is the new Mister International, 2nd Mister International title for Brazil (the first was Alan Bianco, in 2007). A stunning model and at the same time an actor and singer, Curti is part Japanese which makes him a “nipo-brasileiro”.

Here is the complete list of winners:

Mister International 2011 - Brazil, César Curti
1st Runner Up - Czech Republic
2nd Runner Up - Indonesia, Steven Yoswara
3rd Runner Up - Vietnam, Lê Khôi Nguyên
4th Runner Up - Sweden, Marco Djelević Virriat

Top 10:

Mexico, Sergio Felipe Meléndez
Slovak Republic, Jakub Lorencovič
Korea, Ji Sung Oh
Venezuela, Jeefry Rommel Rojas Torres
Vietnam, Lê Khôi Nguyên

Top 16:

Philippines, Fhrancis Lopez
Norway, Nikolai Danielsen
Sri Lanka, Anuj Eranda Ranasinghe
Nigeria, Kenneth Nwadike
Denmark, Mads Madsen

Special Awards:

Best Body - Sweden, Marco Djelević Virriat
Mister Photogenic - Sweden, Marco Djelević Virriat
Mister Congeniality - Portugal, Fábio Duarte
Best in National Costume - Thailand, Direk Sindamrongsi
Mister Internet Popularity - Indonesia, Steven Yoswara
Dream Man Award - Brazil, César Curti
Health Man Awards - Costa Rica, Erick Martinez (tied with), Czech Republic, Martin Gardavský
Most Handsome Man Award - Denmark, Mads Madsen
Most Cute Man Award - Korea, Ji Sung Oh
Most Popular Man Award - Mexico, Sergio Felipe Meléndez

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